Latest Biographies
Sant Gadage Baba Biography – Renowned Social Worker
Hi everyone, today I feel renowned while introducing one of the great social workers of Maharashtra. He was “Sant Gadage Baba” who was an atheist,…
Justice Mahadev Govind Ranade Biography
India has a lot of heroes who contributed a lot to make India what it is today. Yes, heroes are not only freedom fighters; we also have social reforme…
Hambirrao Mohite – Maratha Sarsenapati
Introduction Indian history is broad, and it still keeps growing every day. It has three parts- Ancient, Medieval, and Modern History. So yes, there’s a lot to know, learn and understand. Through the three periods we have had, rulers, tribes, kingdoms, wars, social...
Tanaji – Maratha Lion of 16th Century
They say legends never die. They live in the memories of people and makeup history. Without these, there would be no history. We remember them through…
Rani Saibai Bhosale – The Hidden Pillar of Swarajya
Indian history will be incomplete without Rani Saibai Bhosale. If you are well-versed in Indian history, you should know Shivaji Maharaji. He founded …
Rani Durgavati History – Information in English
In history, we know Rani Durgavati for her military prowess and art patronage. She was also a great patron of learning and established several schools…