We always become fascinated with research by scientists. Hence, while you was child when someone asked what do you want to be? Then, if most people answered, “I want to become a scientist”, then it’s of course expected. Because we don’t know how many efforts needed to become scientist. I want you to read the biography of a man who was famous for his interesting research studies and discoveries. It will show you the life of scientist is full of challenges, so life itself become austerity. He was the synonym of Genius and none other than Albert Einstein.
The biography of Albert will also inspire adults. It helps you to increase your dedication to work. Albert Einstein was a famous scientist of the 20th century. We use his name as a synonym for the word “Genius.” So, what makes Albert Einstein so special?
Of course, as a scientist the work of Einstein is in the science and research field. We know him for his work in the theory of relativity and the photoelectric effect.
First Atomic Bomb
On 16 July 1945, J. Robert Oppenheimer successfully created and tested the first Atomic Bomb. Creators of the Atomic bomb named it “Trinity”. It is a code name for the Atomic bomb test.
At first I want to clarify, Albert Einstein had never been involved in atomic bomb making. But Robert used his research in the making of the first Atomic Bomb. Hence, his study indirectly helped to bomb making.
Nobel Prize to Albert Einstein
The Nobel Foundation honored Einstein with a Nobel Prize for his work on the “Photoelectric Effect” in 1921.
Amazing Facts about Albert Einstein
1. The theory of relativity made him famous, but he got a Nobel Prize for his research on the “Photoelectric Effect.”
2. Albert Einstein did not directly involve in atomic bomb making. People still assume he was an actual bomb maker, which is not the fact. People may think of mainly because of his work used in bomb making.
He was very disappointed after using a nuclear bomb against Japan. After that incident, he always feared that his work would destroy humanity.
3. Albert Einstein had two wives, and he married his cousin, Elsa Einstein, for the second time.
4. A copulation between the Death and Birth Year of Galileo Galilei, Sir Isaac Newton, James Maxwell and Albert Einstein was the same.
5. One photograph of Einstein, along with his signature, taken on his 72nd birthday on 14 March 1951, has auctioned for $111890 (one lakh eleven thousand eight hundred and ninety dollars).
6. At the time of his death, Einstein said something to the doctor in German, but unfortunately, the doctor did not know the German language. Hence, his last words remained secret.
7. Einstein did not know about car driving or swimming. However, he loves to travel in the sea.
8. Albert Einstein gave the key to becoming great with one word: “devotion.”
9. Even though he was an outstanding scientist, he rarely remembered his telephone numbers and dates.
10. Einstein did not like cutting his hair. His hairstyle is now trending as the Genius Hairstyle.
11. He did not prefer to dress up like a gentleman. Also, he did not like to wear socks.
12. During his school days, people thought he had a mental disability. His teacher had thought he could not achieve anything in his life.
13. In school, Albert Einstein was an average student. There was an incident when his maths professor called him a “Lazy Dog.” Maths was only his favorite subject since childhood.
14. His head was too large when he was born compared to other children. So, the doctor considered him mentally crippled. He did not start his education until the age of seven years.
15. Till the age of four, Einstein was not even able to speak. He first spoke when he was having breakfast at the dining table.
16. Once, when Einstein was five years old, his father brought a compass at home. That was the first time he became interested in Science. It amazed him to see which hidden power kept the needle in the same direction.
17. In 1999, the Times magazine pact and featured Albert Einstein as the Great Person of the Century.
18. In 1952, Einstein received the offer to become the president of Israel. But, Albert Einstein politely rejected the offer, saying I am not made for politics but only Science.
19. When we think of scientist then his image comes to mind. Because as a scientist Everyone loves Einstein. But did you know who the favorite scientist of Einstein was? Well, it is Galileo Galilei.
20. Albert Einstein was a pet lover. He also kept one pet cat at his home. This cat became cheerless during the rainy season.
21. Einstein loved to drink a cigar. You can see so many photographs of him holding a cigar in his mouth.
22. Once, a reporter asked Einstein if humans in the future would use which type of weapons in the Third World War. Einstein said I do not know about the Third World War, but humans will fight the Fourth World War with stones. Because in the Third World War, all modern civilizations will be destroyed. Moreover, once again, human beings went into the Stone Age.
23. Once, a journalist asked him about his laboratory. Einstein signed towards the head. One scientist asks Albert Einstein about his most significant apparatus in the lab. Einstein showed his fountain pen. For Albert Einstein, the lab was his head, and the vital equipment was his pen.
24. To work efficiently, Einstein took 10 hours of sleep.
25. Albert Einstein used to take $5 for an autograph and $1000 for a speech.
Afterward, he donated the money, whatever amount was collected, to charity.
26. At a time when Einstein was a professor, during an exam, one student came and said to Einstein that the questions asked this year were the same as in the previous year. Albert Einstein replied, “Questions are the same, but answers are now changed.”
27. Einstein’s one letter written about God and religion. That letter was written to Eric Gutkind one year before his death on 3 January 1954. Eric Gutkind sent his new book, “Choose Life, the Biblical Call to Revolt.” Einstein wrote this letter in reply to the book and his opinion. He said in a letter that, for me, God is the only word that came from weaknesses of people. The Bible is respectful, but it is a collection of ancient stories. Any personal definition will not change my thoughts about God.
28. After the death of Einstein, Thomas Harvey has taken out the brain of Einstein for research without taking permission from his family. They kept his brain in a jar to research it for almost 20 years. The investigation showed that his brain had more glial cells than an ordinary person.
29. Einstein may survive for a few more years. However, Einstein refused operations, saying, “I have lived my life. There is no fun living with the help of Artificial Machines.”
30. At Sorbonne University in 1930, Einstein said that if his theory became valid, Germans would call him an “Ideal German citizen.” Moreover, France will give me the honor of “World Citizen.”
31. However, if my theory becomes wrong, France will call me German and German will call me “Yahudi.”
Family Background of Albert Einstein
Let us start with his childhood. Albert Einstein was from a middle-class family. His father was Engineer and salesperson. He also established a company named “Elektrotechnische Fabrik J. Einstein & Cie.” Einstein’s mother, Pauline Koch, was a housewife. Einstein also had one sister, Maria. There were significant Life-changing events in the life of Albert Einstein.
First experience of Einstein with Science
As his father was an engineer, he bought a compass at home. Einstein was just surprised to see that compass. As we know, the needle of a compass moves concerning direction. But Einstein thought differently and became curious about invisible powers in the Universe after that event.
One Memory of Albert Einstein
The second story is about the Geometry book. When he first discovered that book, he devoured it. That book was later called “Sacred Little Geometry Book.”
Belief of Einstein in God
In childhood, Einstein strongly believed in God. He used to pray and chant holy songs. In contrast, this perception of God changed because he started reading science books.
In the life of Albert Einstein, medical student Max Talmud played a significant role. Max Talmud helped Einstein in philosophy and maths. His teaching efforts helped Einstein to stand out.
The science series played a vital role in making his interest in science. In that series, the book author visualized riding alongside the electricity in telegraph wire. In this imagination, Einstein asked how it looks if we run alongside the light beam.
If light were the wave, then it would appear like a static wave. Another thing, in childhood, he knew static light waves did not exist. Hence, there was a paradox.
Quotes of Albert Einstein
An Interruption in Education of Einstein
Because of repeated failure in the father’s business. Einstein had to pause his education several times due to the business failure of his father. Hermann Einstein migrated to Milan for work.
To complete Einstein’s education, his father sent him to boarding school. Einstein ran from the boarding hostel and went to his parent’s house because of the miserable conditions at the Hostel. Einstein described his situation at the Hostel. Then, their parents also realized his problems. He had no future hopes, probably due to interruptions in his education. It is better to hope to succeed on another try when you try and fail.
Admission to Polytechnic School
Finally, he applied directly to the Swiss Federal Polytechnic School in 1911. This school was in Zurich City, Switzerland. His institute’s name changed after expansion to the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich. However, he must pass its challenging entrance exam to be admitted to that institute.
After giving an exam, he showed his excellence in maths and physics. But unfortunately, I failed in Chemistry, Biology, and French.
Though, due to his talent in math and physics, he was allowed to polytechnic with some conditions. Those conditions were that Einstein needed to complete his formal education before being admitted to the school.
Formal Education of Albert Einstein
To complete formal education, he was admitted to a specialized high school. That school ran by Jost Winteler in Aarau, Switzerland. Einstein completed his graduation in 1896. Afterward, he refused citizenship in Germany.
From 1986 to 1901, he remained stateless. Then, the government of Switzerland granted Einstein Swiss citizenship. Jost Winteler became his close friend. Einstein spent a lot of time with his new friends in Zurich. Marcel Grossmann, who was a mathematician and one of his real friends. Marcel and Einstein also like to discuss scientific theories and exciting topics like time and space.
While teaching at Zürich Polytechnic, Einstein fell in love with Mileva Marić. She was his fellow student and collaborator.
Biggest Crisis in the Life of Albert Einstein Albert Einstein always believed in self-study rather than spoon-feeding.
Therefore, Einstein mostly likes to study the subject on his own. So he is not able to attend the whole class. Because of this, a few professors became angry about his behavior and eventually became enemies. As a result, Einstein’s applications were refused for every academic position he tried to apply.
1902: Worst year in the life of Albert Einstein
This year there was filled with a significant downfall that happened in the life of Albert Einstein. First, he wanted to marry Mileva Marić but could not because of his family’s objection. The second thing is that his father’s business drowned, and he could not support his family due to his joblessness.
A turning point in the life of Einstein
Marcel Grossmann recommended Einstein in the Swiss patent office for the clerk post. After that, the life of Einstein started changing. This office is located in Bern, Switzerland.
Death of his father
Just a few days after his joining the office. His father suffered from heart failure. In the last days, he allowed and blessed Einstein to marry Mileva Marić.
For many years after his father’s death, Einstein felt sad. Because his father very much cared about Einstein’s future. Also, he thinks of Einstein as a failure and how his career will be.
The children of Albert Einstein were Hans Albert and Eduard, born in 1904 and 1910. He always tried to finish his work in the office as soon as possible. Einstein was using that time for his research on theoretical questions.
Marriage of Einstein with Mileva Marić
Albert Einstein asked his parents about marrying Mileva Marić. But his parents had an objection to his relationship with Marić. Mainly due to she was from Serbia. So, mother of Einstein had problem due to her Serbian background. But, both were serious about their relationship. Hence, after joining the office, he became quite confident about marriage. So, finally he married Mileva Marić on day of 6 January, 1903.
Imaginary World of Einstein
He had spent time thought much about the hypothetical questions. What would happen if I traveled at the speed of light?
Equation of Maxwell explains the nature of light. Albert Einstein decided to research it. As he already studied the Maxwell equation in polytechnic school. Hence, he eventually discovered the fact which was unknown to James Maxwell. That fact is, “Speed of light is stable throughout the Universe.”
Theory of Newton did not include the absolute velocity. As a result, it violates the laws of motion by Newton.
As a result of this surprising fact, Einstein could write the principle of relativity.
“Speed of light is constant in any inertial frame of reference.”
1905- Miracle year in the life of Albert Einstein
Miracle year was because this year, Einstein published four research papers.
Albert Einstein published his writings in the Annals of Physics, one of the oldest journals.
Paper of Einstein contributed to upgrading the course of physics.
Following are his four research papers of 1905 CE
1) The photoelectric effect was explained by Einstein by using quantum theory to describe the creation and transformation of light.
If light consists of small energy packets (later called photons) and strikes metal, metal should release electrons.
2) In the Molecular kinetic theory of heat, the suspended particles inside the liquid moves. This motion of a particle in still water was the first practical proof of the existence of atoms. This motion is called the Brownian movement. Then, it gives the ability to calculate the size of the Jostling atom and Avogadro’s number.
3) Einstein presented the mathematical theory of special relativity with the help of electrodynamics of moving bodies.
4) Does anybody’s Inertia directly depend on energy content?
Einstein proved and derived a formula for his relativity theory:
This theory became the first theory that explains the energy sources of stars like the Sun.
Colleagues of Einstein while developing relativity theory
After completing Doctorate, Einstein submitted a research paper for it. He was the first one who put the whole theory of relativity together.
Jules Henri Poincaré and Hendrik Antoon Lorentz already had some pieces of Special Relativity Theory. But Einstein showed that it was one of the universal laws of nature.
One Myth- Wife of Einstein associated in Relativity Theory
According to one private letter written by Einstein to his wife, Mileva Marić, Einstein wrote the Relativity theory as our theory.
In contrast, Mileva omitted physics after failing two times in the graduate exam. Also, there needed to be a record or proof. Because we need to support her involvement in making theory of relativity.
Albert Einstein published a research paper in 1905. He had mentioned his talk with Besso in making theory of relativity.
Politically unfavorable conditions for Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein was born in the traditional religion of Jews. In contrast, the political environment in Germany was not favorable to Jewish people due to the rise of the power of the Nazis. Adolph Hitler becomes a new chancellor who hates Jewish people.
The physics of the 19th century entirely depended on Maxwell’s theory of light and Newton’s laws of motion.
Albert Einstein realized the contradiction in it. So, one theory cannot fulfil the laws of physics.
International Conference of Albert Einstein
The theories of Einstein only made him famous once it was verified and confirmed by Max Planck. Albert Einstein also lectures at the international conference he has invited. Afterward, he became famous throughout the world.
Divorce to Mileva Marić
With increasing fame and prestige, Einstein could not give enough time for his married life. He had so much attachment to relativity theory and was lost whenever he had to speak about it. Eventually, the distance in his relationship increased. They finally separated and divorced in 1919. Second Marriage of Albert Einstein with Elsa Einstein Before a few months of divorce, Einstein started an affair with his cousin Elsa. Einstein got married to Elsa after his divorce in 1919.
Joining to the University of Berlin
Several top institutions, including universities like Zurich, SFIT (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology), and Prague, invited Einstein for good designations.
He had so many choices to choose University. Out of those renowned Universities, finally, he filtered out Berlin University. There he served for 20 years as director of the Kaiser.
The Search for Defects in Theory of Einstein
Einstein should have considered one vital factor in his approach. He had not mentioned acceleration and gravitation anywhere.
Einstein took almost 1905 to 1915 to discover such deep thought. One of his friends, Paul Ehrenfest, observed a fantastic fact.
He noticed that if we take the spinning disk, the point at the center of the disc travel slower than the rim of the disc, which moves faster.
Hence, according to special relativity, the meter on the circumference should shrink.
As a result, the Euclidean Geometry of the Plane must fail for the disc. Another ten years Einstein spent figuring out gravitation regarding space and time. The gravitational force of Newton was a sub-topic of the bending of the fabric of space and time.
Einstein died on the day of 18 April 1955 in Princeton Hospital.
Albert Einstein Brain Facts
He is considered as one of the most intelligent people in the world because of such mind-blowing theories and research. Many people were curious about the brain of Einstein. As a result, after the death of Albert Einstein, pathologist Thomas Harvey took his brain out. Harvey did that without his permission from the Einstein family.
I hope you like this article from Albert Einstein’s Biography for kids. Please share the knowledge with your friends and family, and give them a chance to become “Genius!”
Featured Image Credits: Photograph by Oren Jack Turner, Princeton, N.J., source: Wikimedia